UI Elements
To do anything UI related, you will have to hook the MenuLayer_init function. as it is reponsible for UI elements.
Lets try adding a label to the main menu!
def MenuLayer_init(self, this):
if not this.init(): return False # Make sure to call original (otherwise the UI will be BLACK.)
label = CCLabelBMFont.create("Hello, World!", "bigFont.fnt")
return True
- Now we have a label that says "Hello, World!", though the label is placed in the bottom corner, to fix this, we have to do some positioning!
def MenuLayer_init(self, this):
if not this.init(): return False
label = CCLabelBMFont.create("Hello, World!", "bigFont.fnt")
label.setPosition(CCPoint(6, 9)) # This moves the label to X position 6, and Y position 9.
return True
Node IDs
- Geode has a little feature added into cocos2d, which is Node IDS!
- What is a Node ID? its a string, which is linked to a UI element, some nodes don't have Node IDs though, to check, it is recommended to install the Dev Tools mod.
Getting a child node through a Node ID
We use the
function, what is a CCNode? its just everything you see on the screen, under the hood, everything derives from CCNode. -
def MenuLayer_init(self, this):
if not this.init(): return False
menu = this.getChildByID("bottom-menu") # This retrieves a CCMenu of ID bottom-menu.
# Do something with `menu`
return True