Sprites in Serpent are called CCSprite, in order to create a CCSprite, we call the static method
, which takes a single argument and returns a CCSprite. CCSprite is a CCNode, so we can add it as a child node to other nodes! -
def MenuLayer_init(self, this):
if not this.init(): return False
winSize = CCDirector.get().getWinSize()
sprite = CCSprite.create("<spriteName>.png") # Remember, this doesn't get sprites from spritesheets, we need a different method for that!
sprite.setPosition(CCPoint(winSize.width / 2, winSize.height / 2)) # Place the sprite in the middle of the screen.
return True
Sprites from Spritesheets
- It's pretty simple, instead of calling the static method
we callCCSprite.createWithSpriteFrameName
, here's an example!
def MenuLayer_init(self, this):
if not this.init(): return False
sprite = CCSprite.createWithSpriteFrameName("GJ_arrow_01_001.png") # GJ_arrow_01_001.png is a sprite from the GJ_gamesheet_03.png spritesheet, though it does not matter!
return True