Creating a layer

  • To create a layer, we can use CCLayer, CCLayer is just a thing that allows you to make your own UI instead of modifying an existing one! here's an example of making a layer and switching that.
def MenuLayer_onMoreGames(self, this, sender):
    scene = CCScene.create() # We create a new CCScene, this is where our CCLayer will be in.
    layer = CCLayer.create() # Create the CCLayer, this is where all of our UI elements will be.
    scene.addChild(layer) # adding the layer as a child to the scene.
    CCDirector.get().replaceScene(scene) # Replace the current scene with the one we just created
  • This code will turn the screen black cause the layer has nothing.
  • Now you can do something like this:
layer = CCLayer.create()
layer.addChild(CCNode.create()) # or any child you want to add to layer.
  • But here's what i recommend:
  • Creating a class name, in the __init__ function, create a CCLayer in self, like this: self.layer = CCLayer.create()
  • Normally in C++ we create a class that derives from CCLayer and override CCLayer's init function, but we can't create classes during runtime.
  • make a function named init, in it, call CCLayer's init function, then add all the UI elements you want to the layer you created, then return True.
  • make a @staticmethod function named create(), make an instance of your class, then add a check for if your init function returns true or false, if it returns true, return the layer you created in the __init__ function, else return None.
  • Here's an example because my explanation definitely sucks.
class MyLayer:
    def __init__(self):
        self.layer = CCLayer.create()

    def init(self): # do not confuse `init` and `__init__` please
        if not self.layer.init(): return False

        sprite = CCSprite.createWithSpriteFrameName("GJ_arrow_01_001.png")
        sprite.setPosition(CCPoint(CCDirector.get().getWinSize().width / 2, CCDirector.get().getWinSize().height / 2))

        return True

    def create():
        myLayer = MyLayer()
        if myLayer.init():
            return myLayer.layer
            return None
  • To use this layer, we can just call myLayer.create() as it returns the layer you added all your modifications to!
  • This is what you should see when entering the layer! hello world
  • Now you can go to your layer and add whatever you want!