- In RobTop's version of cocos, most buttons are CCMenuItemSpriteExtra's, the way they work is like this:
- You make a callback function with
as the first argument, then create a CCMenuItemSpriteExtra through itscreate()
method, this is the function signature. CCMenuItemSpriteExtra::create(my_sprite, this, menu_selector(MyFunction));
- This is C++, but since i have literally no idea on how i would get menu_selector working through python, we will use geode's awesome
method, here's some example code:
# `sender`: is the button that uses this function as a callback.
def my_function_callback(self, sender):
self.script.info("Hello, World, This is from a button!")
def MenuLayer_init(self, this):
if not this.init(): return False
button = CCMenuItemExt.createSpriteExtra(CCSprite.createWithSpriteFrameName("GJ_arrow_01_001.png"), my_function_callback)
menu = this.getChildByID("bottom-menu")
return True
- This will put a button in the button menu! like this:
Complete code:
- Since this is kinda complex. this is the complete source if you wanna just copy and paste!
class buttons_yellowcat98:
def __init__(self):
self.script = script("buttons_yellowcat98", self)
def callback(self, sender):
FLAlertLayer.create("Hello", "Hello World", "thanks").show()
def MenuLayer_init(self, this):
if not this.init(): return False
button = CCMenuItemExt.createSpriteExtra(CCSprite.createWithSpriteFrameName("GJ_arrow_01_001.png"), self.callback)
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":